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Version: 1.4.4

Unit Tests

You can use VFNetwork to test your api call methods.

Basically we take the json file that you will create to simulate your response with the JSONMockOrchestrator class and simulate a request with this response. Below you will find examples and how it all works.

Register JSON File

For register your json files in code to simulate responses first you need to create them. you can use that structure for example.

│ └───responses
│ │ jokesSuccess.json
│ │ jokesError.json
│ | HomeViewModelTests.swift

and just register. in example below you can find it something like.

 mock.register(fileNamed: "jokesSuccess") // status code default 200
mock.register(fileNamed: "jokesError", statusCode: 400) // with custom status code

Testing Endpoints

For your unit tests, you just need to follow example below. or see Example project in VFNetwork repository.

Important. You dont need to import VFNetwork in your test class because your project has VFNetwork added in frameworks.

Example with MVVM.

import XCTest
@testable import VFNetwork_Example

class HomeViewModelTests: XCTestCase {

var viewModel: HomeViewModel! = .init()
var mock: JSONMockOrchestrator!

override func setUp() {
mock = JSONMockOrchestrator(from: self)
let provider = RequestProvider<HomeAPI>(orchestrator: mock)
viewModel.service.apply(provider: provider)

override func tearDown() {
viewModel = nil
mock = nil

func testJokesSuccess() {
let expectation = self.expectation(description: "Test jokes with success")
mock.register(fileNamed: "jokesSuccess")
viewModel.getJokes { result in
switch result {
case let .success(jokes):
case .failure:

waitForExpectations(timeout: 10.0, handler: nil)

func testJokesFailure() {
let expectation = self.expectation(description: "Test jokes with failure")
mock.register(fileNamed: "", statusCode: 400)
viewModel.getJokes { result in
switch result {
case .success:
case .failure(let error):

waitForExpectations(timeout: 10.0, handler: nil)